Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Winter Update

As we look forward to 60℉ days this week, I thought I should recap some of the winter activities.

Seth finished with homeschool ski in January, but we actually experienced most of our snow especially at the higher elevations in February.  Because he has taken to alpine skiing and really loves it, we decided in February to purchase him a Bogus Basin season pass that was good for the rest of this season and all of next.  We also found a great place that rents ski equipment (I hate to buy because he is a growing boy!) at a very reasonable rate for the rest of this year and all of next.  We have a family in the church whose dad takes his girls up to ski quite often and has taken Seth up with them half a dozen times in Feb/March.  We just squish our homeschool into fewer hours (we learn to use our time more constructively!) so he can spend time on the slopes.

Seth and I continue to enjoy our homeschool co-op once a month.  We went bowling with the group last month and last week we spent time at the Discovery Center with the group.  Bodies Human had an exhibit at the Center which is perfect since Seth is studying the human body in science right now.  I saw this exhibit at the Grand Rapids museum with some of the older kids several years ago and thought it was pretty interesting.  We had fun with all the other science exhibits as well!

This was a lot more fun and much easier than using jello boxes!

Just the moms in this co-op also meet once a month for a MNO (mom's night out).  Sometimes we meet in a coffee shop and other times one of the moms arranges a craft night.  Thankfully, a couple of the ladies are crafty and can help me out.  Here is what they helped me with a few weeks ago:

Anna and Lydia (and Russ!) began track a few weeks ago.  They have their first meet this week.  Seth is planning to join the middle school track team which practices at the same time and place as the high school starting tomorrow.  Anna competed in the State BPA accounting test and placed sixth, missing going to Nationals by one place.  She isn't too disappointed and is proud of all she has learned about accounting.  Lydia is looking forward to her freshman trip to Washington DC at the end of April.

One week when the girls didn't have school on Friday (so they could stay with Seth), Russ and I took off late on a Thursday afternoon and headed north for a night away.  The scenery was beautiful and we enjoyed just getting away for a night.  Our only regret was that it wasn't longer! 

He did buy me two dozen roses for Valentine's Day since we have been married 24 years.  (Do I have to admit that it was actually a couple days after Valentine's Day when Walmart had them 50¢ a dozen?)  They were still beautiful and brightened some cold snowy February days.

One of the kids put this picture with the verse
We also had a nerdy date night at the Capitol learning more about the writing of the Constitution.  Seth and I were studying this in U.S. History, and I knew my husband would enjoy getting back in touch with his history/government side.  I think all government teachers should teach via case studies like this guy.

I had hoped to do more crocheting projects this winter, but it never seems to get done.  After I finished Nicolas' blanket this fall, I started on a sweater for Lydia but ran into a snag so put it in time out for a while.  I think I figured it out, so will try to finish that up just in time for summer!🙄  I have done a few small projects like Hardanger coasters, little crochet animals, and crocheting around burp cloths.  I also helped with GEMS last week teaching all those sweet girls how to crochet.

Seth has decided he wants to cook a meal once a week for the family.  He made a list of all different ethnic cuisines he wants to try.  He started with an American meal, making a yummy tater tot dish.  Since he was feeling a little busy with skiing the next week he settled for a salad he found in a British cookbook for his British meal--sliced Brussels sprouts, pomegranate seeds, roasted hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds.  Last week he made a delicious heart of palm soup for his Caribbean meal.  This week is Chinese...

The college boys continue to do well at Dordt.  They both finished up an indoor track season.  Caleb was able to qualify with the 4x400 to Nationals.  All the pictures I have I borrowed from Dordt's Facebook or Instagram.  Nicolas was only featured on the track videos, so I don't have any stills of him in his man bun.  

Indoor Nationals

Since Caleb and Nicolas are both in the orchestra we were delighted to see them on their West Coast orchestra tour over spring break.  The best part was that due to a scheduling glitch, they came through Boise twice.  Our church family was very generous in opening up their homes to the 80 students when they came through on Sunday just for a place to stay and then again on Friday night when they gave their concert.  

Feeding the crew before the concert

Just getting started making 86 sandwiches for sack lunches

This is kind of a random picture but I thought I would just toss it in here. 
When Caleb came home from Spain he often ate this for breakfast--toasted English muffin with olive oil, orange slice, and gouda cheese.  He made this for us at Christmas and it was delicious.  Whenever I make this for breakfast I think of him!

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