Monday, June 17, 2024

Spring Happenings

 The girls came home in early March during Dordt's spring break. Anna and Joshua devoted much of that week to wedding planning. Lydia met Willow for the first time, and they became good buddies. 

Church Bunco night fell during the girls' spring break. Russ is wearing the Bunco hat; he ended up winning the prize for the most Buncos.

Seth's spring break was later in March and he just enjoyed relaxing and having Mom and Dad spoil him for the week.

Early in April, I flew to Denver to dog sit for Caleb and Mikaela while they took a short trip to Mexico on Caleb's spring break. I stayed several days longer, through the weekend, to spend time with them too. Unfortunately, it was during this visit that I realized my neck surgery had not been entirely successful in removing pressure from the nerve at C3-4 (more on that in a later post).

I faithfully walked this guy twice a day and even went to the dog park to play with dog friends a couple times.

Visiting Garden of the Gods

Manitou Springs

Summit Ministries where Mikaela interned

Towards the end of April Seth and I joined Russ at Dordt during his Board of Trustees meeting. Anna scheduled her senior organ recital this week, we watched the girls run an outdoor track meet at Northwestern, and we threw Anna and Emily a joint bridal shower. 

Russ' brother Nathan and cousin Jonathan came to Anna's recital.

Anna and Grandma and Grandpa

Favorite organ fans: Seth, Joshua, Josie, Nicolas, and Lydia

Anna will be sad to say goodbye to this organ. She spent so many hours practicing this beautiful instrument.

Anna and Emily with cousins: Rachel, Lydia, Reese, Nora, Brooke, and Dayle.

Anna and Emily with the aunts and Grandma: Lynn, Nikki, Shantelle, Cora, Laura

Anna with her roommates/bridesmaids.

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