Sunday, October 23, 2011

Homeschool Field Trip to Lansing

On Friday we went to Lansing with the FRC homeschool group.  We first went to the Impression 5 Science Center, and then after a quick picnic lunch in the van (it was pretty cold!) we went to the Michigan Historical Museum.    The kids were able to take in a few science "workshops" at the science center.  The older kids attended the static electricity workshop while I took Seth to one on the five senses.  Since Seth will be learning the five senses this week in school, the workshop was a great introduction.  All the kids were able to go to the chemistry workshop and make slime.   I loved that Caleb was able to join us since NorthPointe did not have school last week Thursday or Friday.

Impression 5 Science Center:

The throwing/launching room...

The physics room...

Testing how fast you spin depending if weight is close to you or farther away.  

Testing the different pulleys

The bubble room (Seth's favorite)...

Trying to stand inside a bubble

It worked for Nicolas--completely surrounded by bubble!

The water room...

The five senses workshop...
Hearing and watching sound waves

Tasting sweet, sour, and salty.

Matching smells with their picture.


Chemistry workshop: making slime

The Historical Museum:

Feeling what it was like to ride a buggy on cobblestone streets.

Mining for copper.

In the old schoolhouse

My suffragette

Now it's not even $3.23!

Exploring the great Michigan outdoors...inside.

Some of our home school group (except Caleb, of course:)

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