People have been telling us for awhile that we need to visit the Sun Valley area. In fact, you can do a driving loop from Boise to Stanley to Sun Valley and then back to Boise. It would probably take at least six hours to do the entire loop.
We have only gone as far as Stanley, so when the kids had a day off from school for teachers' in-service we decided to make the trip to Sun Valley (going the opposite direction of the above arrows). As it turned out, it was great timing for Russ and I as we just needed a little time away after a super busy and emotional week. We had a youth group pancake brunch fund raiser on Saturday, a full day on Sunday, funeral on Monday, and the Senior Valentine Luncheon on the Thursday we left. And that was on top of the regular visitation, prayer meeting, council meeting and other things going on in the church. It was just a good time to get away, even if it was only for 24 hours.
We were told that there was a free outdoor ice skating rink in Ketchum, so we planned to drive up on Thursday evening, hang out at the hotel until Friday morning, then go out and ice skate and just drive around to see the beauty of the area.
The drive up and sunset were breathtaking.
Unfortunately, however, the skating did not happen...
So we decided to continue the loop towards Stanley and back home on Hwy 21. As we drove along to what is called Galena Summit, a sign was posted that Hwy 21 was closed from Stanley to Boise, so we just turned around and saw the sights twice!
I was absolutely amazed at the sheer amount of snow.
In fact, I asked Russ if he ever thought the snow would just rumble down the mountains to bury us as we drove along. He just chuckled and rolled his eyes at me. "Never, even if I lived 1000 years, would that worry ever cross my mind!" I felt slightly justified a little later by this sign:😏
We were fascinated by all the beautifully groomed Nordic trails. Russ and I decided we need to either take up cross-country skiing or find a good pair of snowshoes and actually go out into the beauty and enjoy it!
We stopped at a scenic overlook...but you couldn't see anything because of all the snow. So we just went climbing!