Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Miscellaneous Summer Events

 The Memorial Day pancake breakfast fundraiser is so much fun for the youth group kids and a much-loved time of fellowship for the church family.

Lydia and Russ made the sausage ahead of time.

Making pancakes!

Nicolas' wife, Josie, played the role of Mother Abbess in Sioux Center's Sound of Music production in June. We heard great things from those who attended (including a couple from our church in Boise!) and wished we lived closer.

We had amazing weather for our annual church family camp at Faith Heights Campground in Donnelly, June 12-15.  I love the intergenerational aspect of the camp, the time spent fellowshipping with the church family for a few days, and the opportunity to grow in grace together through the teaching time. This year Pastor Steve Oeverman from Grace URC near Portland spoke on evangelism and sharing the gospel.

The talent show/skits on Friday night are always a highlight.

My cinnamon roll helpers

The Sunday after church camp, Anna performed her senior organ recital at the First Presbyterian Church in downtown Boise. She added a few special pieces including a duet with Lydia on the violin.

Russ flew out the next day for the week's URC Synod meetings in Escondido, CA.

After he returned from the week of synod meetings he brushed off his shingling tools and stripped and reshingled our roof with Lydia and Seth's help. The highs were in the 90s most of the week, but they stayed hydrated and worked in the cooler parts of the day.

Seth looks so much like his older brother! Wearing Caleb's old work clothes and backward hat made me look twice. 

The roof was finished just before Anna and Joshua's wedding (July 6)! I'm including a few snapshots of the weekend here, but will post more once she has all her professional pictures. On Thursday, July 4, most of Anna's bridesmaids had arrived as well as Nicolas, Josie, Caleb, and my brother David and his family. After street tacos in our backyard, we grabbed ice cream treats at the Village.

Devotions before brunch with the bridesmaids, sisters, and sisters-in-law Friday morning.

Putting bouquets together and getting nails done after brunch!

My boys practicing music for the wedding ceremony.


All the Bleeker boys at the wedding--from the left, Michael, David, Greg, and Bryan.

I loved having all my kids in one place for the weekend!

Russ' sister Renee and her family stayed a few extra days after the wedding. We spent a portion of that time exploring the Jump Creek area.

The weekend following Anna's wedding Lydia and I flew to Iowa for the wedding of Emily and Kleyton (July 11). Emily is my sister Cora's daughter--we joked that we should have had a double wedding somewhere between Idaho and Iowa!

The following week, Lydia flew to California to spend time with her boyfriend and meet his parents. She drove back with a couple from our church who had been in California visiting relatives.

While Lydia was in California, Russ, Seth, and I drove to George Fox University in Portland with our youth group for the annual youth convention. On the way, we stopped at Horsetail Falls in the Columbia River Gorge.

This year's convention theme was "Follow the Leader" from Matthew 16:24.  Rev. Greg Lubbers and Rev. Angelo Contreras spoke in the main sessions. The kids again had many workshop topics to choose from including Russ' on friendship. The day away was either white water rafting or the Oregon Zoo.

I finished a few crochet projects--a dress for Lydia and Mary Poppins for a birthday gift for Josie.